


Hi ladies!! Do you want to know how to style trends for fall and it be totally easy? These trends are fun, simple and easy to wear so you won’t get intimidated, I promise! They are also appropriate for any age. I am over 40 and would wear any of these outfits. Are you someone that likes to look at trends but are not sure how you would style these trends for yourself? Or maybe you can style them but just aren’t really sure what is trending right now? This fall there are so many easy trends that you can wear. I want to share the four easiest trends that women can wear at any age, shape, or size. Our new app called Your…

Hey friends! I am so excited to tell you that I have published my first eBook!  It is called Fall Wardrobe Essentials and it’s for sale for $9.99 through Amazon Kindle. In the future I hope to have my eBooks available for you to purchase through my website. My desire is to make my skills for shopping and having a “good eye” for putting things together available to you at a reasonable price. This will allow me to help more people and continue to share what I love! I hope you will check it out.  I have included suggestions for regular, petite and plus sizes in the Fall Wardrobe Essentials eBook. Fall Wardrobe Essentials EBook Contents Purposefully curated items to help you create a versatile…

Hey ladies! I hope you got excited when you saw the title of my post! I seriously have not written a Flat Lay to Life-Styled post since I did my 2018 favorites in January!!! I can NOT believe it has been that long!  I am so excited to bring you my Flat Lay to Life-Styled: Spring 20109 Favorites today!  These are going to be all of my favorite outfits for spring so far.  Most of them are from my trip to Arizona which I also need to write an article about.  So, first I will just show you all the cute things I wore while I was there! The photo spots were just so adorable too, so I hope you will take a look! The…