
Fall & Winter


I am so excited to be on my last body shape for this series!  This post and video are all about the Inverted Triangle shape!  If you have struggled with what to wear because you have broad shoulders, then this content will be so helpful to you! I have broad shoulders, which makes it a struggle to wear things that I love, but with a few tweaks I have been able to make it happen. So I hope this will encourage you to check out all of the recommendations below. If you are interested in seeing more outfits like the ones in my posts, they all come from my online style subscription called Your Guide To Style. If you click on the image it will…

Well, here we are in week 5 of my Body Shapes Series!  Today we are going to look at the characteristics of the rectangle shape. We have already looked at the Hourglass Shape and the Round or Apple Shape.  If you haven’t gotten a chance to take a look at the introductory posts on body shapes that will help you learn about the 5 most common body shapes and find out which one best fits your body shape here they are below! Intro To Body Shapes What Is Your Body Shape & The 5 Most Common The rectangle shape is supposedly the most common shape for women.  A  rectangle shape is the same or close to the same size bust, waist and hip measurement.  This…

Hey there! Today we are going to look at what to wear to flatter the round or apple shape the best and how to style outfits for this shape!  Last week we looked in detail at how to style the hourglass shape and I will link it HERE if you want to check it out! If you are reading this post it may be because you either think or know you are a round shape. If you think you are round or apple shape and have not done your measurements than I would recommend this post and video HERE to help you with that and to get an explanation of each body shape to see which one or two best fits those measurements. The round…

Hi! Get ready because this is a fun one! Let’s jump right in to learning about what to wear with an hourglass body shape and how to style this shape to make it look it’s best!!! Even if you are not an hourglass shape you will probably enjoy learning about it! The hourglass body shape is the most symmetrical body shape of them all.  Most of us desire to have this shape and really, if you think about it,  all of the other body shapes are trying to achieve this shape by dressing in a way that creates more balance or symmetry in the body. The hourglass shape is when the bust and hips are the same measurement and the waist is a significant amount…

Hey! Last week I did a post preparing you guys for my next series of posts on The 5 Most Common Body Shapes For Women.  You may want to read that post on Intro to Body Shapes if you have not already! I want to begin this post by saying that I think learning the basics of your body shape can be a great approach to finding what looks good on you, especially if you have a body shape that is more complicated to dress. I don’t think this is the only way to have great style but it certainly can be helpful. If you find yourself not knowing what to wear or what looks good on your body than this is a good start…

Have you had a big change in your home life this year? Did you go from working outside of the home to working from home or maybe still working from home (yes, even you stay at home mom’s, that’s work!) but just a little different than before? I am right there with you if your answer was Yes! I worked from home but a lot of my work was also shopping which went from in-store to on-line! When things change like this so does our choice of clothing. This is why there will be a BIG shift in fashion for the spring season. If you are experiencing a change like this I want to help you find the items that are well suited to that…

Well, I don’t know about you but January is the hardest month out of the year for me to get motivated. Coming off of the holidays and taking some time off just makes it so hard to return to real life.  But talking to you about fashion lifts my spirits and today I want to talk about 7 Cute Layering Essentials for Winter.  I love cold weather JUST because I can bundle up!! I think some of the cutest clothes come out for fall and winter. I have added an entire Winter Layers guide to the Your Guide To Style app. If you don’t know about my online styling app you can take a look at more information by clicking the graphic below.  It is…