


Hello Memphis Ladies!  There was such high anticipation around Memphis and the surrounding areas that we were actually getting a Nordstrom Rack! Something cool finally comes to Memphis.  Wow!  A lot of us hoped for a Nordstrom but knew that was probably a long shot.  So we must settle for this baby!  I do have to say I welcome it with open arms!  I was fortunate to get an invite to the Private Shopping Party that happened two days before it actually opened to the public.  You could register a guest or two so I brought along my friend and blogging buddy Erika McChesney of www.beautoptician.com. I met her while working at Eclectic Eye and we basically started this blogging world together.  We both have…

One of the most challenging things about changing seasons is knowing what to wear! Your summer clothing has you jaded and it is still too hot to wear fall…

Welcome to Style Session. I am hoping to make this a fun “Style Session” that will both inspire and educate you on all things fashion. Whether it be clothing, fabrics, jewelry, shoes, accessories, eyewear or makeup; I hope to pass on what I have learned throughout my many years in the fashion industry.  Who knows, I may even include other fun topics as they present themselves! Fashion is what I am passionate about and makeup is my hobby. The eyewear is included because I am an ABO Certified Optician and know lots about eyewear!  It is also currently what I do full time at Eclectic Eye in Midtown Memphis. If you don’t know, you are probably wondering what Style by Jamie Lea is all about.…