March is the start of one of the best times of the year.  Trees start to grow their leaves and flowers begin to bloom.  I honestly love this time of year mainly because that means sunny days ahead and it will soon be light again when I am done with a long day at work! Amen to that! It also means outdoor concerts, garden parties and gala’s galore. If you enjoy events like these in the spring time, check out the article on StyleBlueprint to see just what you should be wearing to events like these.

The Peabody Hotel was the chosen location for the What To Wear March Events photo shoot and we could not have asked for a prettier backdrop. The lovely models, Anna Wunderlich, Erica Zimmerman and Lindsay Dotson, were lots of fun and easy to work with. Lindsay use to be a co-worker of mine a Eclectic Eye so that made this photo shoot even better!

The three stores featured in this article were Joseph, Kittie Kyle and Lori James.  With the help of their talented staff we came up with three great outfits for each event.  Here are some fun behind the scenes photos that were taken during the shoot.


The first phase of outfits were for a Stevie Nicks Concert.  These girls looked bohemian chic in their outfits and had a great time getting to hang out with each other while Micki Martin, the photographer, got set up.  We started in the lobby of The Peabody Hotel at the bar area. In reality, this would be the perfect start to an evening before and even after a concert.  But for the photo shoot our drink of choice was a perfect Starbucks coffee!


My favorite part of the shoot was for the Red Shoe Gala.  The shoes that we used from Joseph’s were stunning!  It was also the most stressful part of the photo shoot because I had to make sure nothing happened to the soles of the shoes.  I was dealing with  Gucci and Christian Louboutin shoes, so you can only imagine how I would feel if they somehow got mistreated and ruined!  They had about 3 layers of painters tape on them and I personally put them on the models when they got to their position for the photo.


The last event was the Happenings 2017 event Featuring Putnam & Putnam and is provided by The Little Garden Club of Memphis. The outfits for this event were a little more serious but comfortable and put together.  We figured since it was in the middle of the day a professional woman might just wear her work attire to the event. The greatest thing about this one is that when we picked the outfits it was for another event that we ended up not using and had to make it work for this event.  Theses are the types of  things you would never know unless you were part of the process. It definitely makes it fun and challenging!


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